Thursday, November 1, 2012

Music in the Future.

Music in the Future

With the rising popularity of electronic music such as dubstep and trance, I wonder what music will sound like in 100 years. Traditionally music was played exclusively with instruments (guitar, bass, drums, piano, etc.), but with improving technology music is being influenced more and more by technology. Example of music in the 1970's. Example of music in 2012.

 In 100 years instruments played by humans could become obsolete, replaced by artists who use computer programs to replicate the instruments humans once played. One thing is for certain, creating music with meaning will always require human emotion and creativity how ever it is made.

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting topic! As hard as it is to actually imagine, I too think music will sound a lot different 100 years from now. It is inevitable. Like you said we are constantly changing technologically and our music will change with it.

    It is interesting that you brought up the idea about emotion and creativity being a must in music; because I feel as though we are steadily veering away from quality and creative music. If you look at the music we have today the trend is clearly going in the opposite direction. Either way it will be interesting to hear what music ends up sounding like in those years/
