Seven Psychopaths is a dark comedy that will keep yo laughing the whole way through. Seven Psychopaths concentrates on an alcoholic screenplay writer who, low and behold, is writing a movie called Seven Psychopaths and his troubles writing it. This Struggling screen writer unwittingly becomes part of the criminal underworld when his oddball friends, who are dog kidnappers by profession, kidnap the biggest gangster in Los Angeles' beloved Shih Tzu. The screenwriter and his friends end up on the run from the gangster and in the proccess the writer ends up writing his screenplay.
Collin Farrel, Christopher Walken, Sam Rockwel, and Woody Harrelson all star in this off beat comedy. They all preform beautifully and their on screen chemistry is just perfect for this type of movie. in the sea of constant up beat buddy comedies and alcohol induced amnesia comedies Seven Psychopaths is a breath of fresh air. If you do not laugh at least once in this movie you must be made of stone because there comedy for every one with in it.
If you have not seen this movie yet I suggest strongly that you make the trip out to your local movie theater and see it. if you are still not convinced watch this trailer:
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