Thursday, November 1, 2012

The New Bond

James Bond is a character that has been played by many actors over the years but none as dynamic and charismatic as Daniel Craig. Craig also brings something to the table none of the other bonds have and that's the fact that he is actually British. No Bond before Craig had ever actually been British, the closest the franchise had come before was an Irishman named Pierce Brosnan. Daniel Craig brings the franchise back to it's roots and back to the roots of the books, which the movies are based off of, and makes the Bond character gritty and more realistic than in previous years. It is argued that Craig's first Bond flick (Casino Royal) was the best in the franchise's history. Daniel in my opinion is the best bond and when he is done making them it will be tough to fallow up. With the newest movie coming out (Skyfall) on November ninth there is a lot of light shown on the series and there are many television stations playing nonstop James Bond movie marathons as well as documentaries on them.

 from what I've seen Skyfall will be on par or even better than Casino Royal and the talk from many blogs and tweets are echoing my thoughts. To demonstrate my thoughts the Trailers are showing a very intense installment . I will be going to the midnight release of Skyfall and I hope everyone at least sees this once.

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