Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Art from the Outside

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Photo Credit : Artotem
Outsider Art is an art mainly performed by self-taught of naive art makers. Those who participate in this art have little to no contact with the mainstream art world. Almost all of these artists, artwork is found AFTER their deaths. Outsider art reflects ones mental states, fantasy worlds and unconventional ideas. A huge amount of these artists are also diagnosed as insane.
Art of the Insane
Photo Credit : Raymond Zoller
Photo Credit : Raymond Zoller
Outsider Art has grown with insane asylum inmates. It is said to have calmed the patients down. One of the most notorious cases of this was the artist, Adolf Wolfli. This art is truly beautiful as it shows us that there is an artists within all of us. Outsider art is a very broad term and I will list some art types that also fall under the "outsider art" category:

  • Raw Art
  • Folk Art
  • Intuitive Art 
  • Visionary Art 
  • Naive Art
  • Visionary Environments
In case you want to look at a more detailed explanation of these art types go HERE.   

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