Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Street Art

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 This art is going to be more about the pictures. It is so beautiful and captivating that I had to research many pictures!! I hope you enjoy and I shall provide a brief background for those who would like one. 

Street art is art found in public spaces - in the streets. It can be found on sidewalks, buildings, streets, etc. The arts within this broad category are arts such as graffiti, sticker art, street installations, street poster art, chalk art, and stencil graffiti. Street art is a great way for artists to express activism opinions or controversial issues.  

Sadly Street Art is frowned by many as it is illegal. I strongly believe that street art is one of the most self expressive arts out there. I truly see the beauty behind it and it amazes me what these artists can do. To explain my amazement I will show a few pictures that are sure to amaze you. 

When used correctly, street art is beautiful and provides many important messages.
Photo Credit : Ed Yourdon
Photo Credit : Sam Decle
Photo Credit: Mark Gstohl
Photo Credit : Strellevik

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