Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Chernobyl Today: A Creepy Story told in Pictures

Today I came across this blog site, where a blogger, who goes by the name Village Mayor,  posted a very creepy yet amazing post about Chernobyl, titled 'Chernobyl Today: A Creepy Story told in Pictures', and what it looks like today. Each picture has a little information regarding what the image was about, and what happened when the disaster struck. The Chernobyl disaster occurred back in 1986 in Ukraine. It was a massive nuclear plant accident, where one of the reactors failed, and led to a series of explosions. This disaster has made the area around Chernobyl uninhabitable, and scientists believe that it will not be inhabitable for another 20,000 years. 

Village Mayor put together a series of photos by different people who have had the opportunity to tour the deserted area, 20 years after the disaster. Radiation levels have since decreased, and it is safe to go near Chernobyl in certain areas for the day. Since 2000, tour programs have been offered. Many of these images consist of old buildings such as schools. I think this experience would be amazing. Would you go visit this area if you were being given the opportunity? 

(Image credits:Vivo (Ben) via: BoredPanda)

(Image credits:misterbisson via: BoredPanda)

(Image credits:Pedro Moura Pinheiro via: BoredPanda)

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