Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Human Canvas

In the past tattooing as an art form was mainly associated with ancient tribes, and in western society with lack of a better term 'tough guys'. As time goes on tattooing as a form of self expression is becoming increasingly popular, and more main stream. In western society some people still find tattoos offensive, and a sign of rebellion. I find it very interesting that non-tattooed people still find it acceptable to judge tattooed people. I believe that tattoos are a profound way to express ones self, and have closure and an ever lasting memorial to impactfull moments in ones life. For example many people will get tattoos in memory of lost loved ones. Whats your opinion on the art of tattoo? Do you think that it has become more acceptable in society?


  1. This is a tough one. I definitely think that in general tattoos have become more acceptable. We have come a long way from the old days in terms of conformity to societal norms, and people are more accepting of other cultures, beliefs and looks. That being said i think this is true for the most part in North America. There are other countries where tattoos would be frowned upon and that individual would be looked at as an outcast. I definitely agree with you that people should not judge others based on appearance, and they should be more accepting of others, but there are just certain places that uphold traditional values that do not accept 'being different' with open arms.

  2. I find it ridiculous that some people are judged only by their appearance. I myself have no tattoos, although I do desire getting one in the near future. I think that the biggest thing that bothers me is when certain job companies wont hire an individual because they have a "visible tattoo". Tattoos definitely do not impact how well a person works or their personality.
