Tuesday, October 2, 2012

The evolution of Art

Humans have come a long way from the times of the cavemen writing and drawing on rocks, papyrus, etc. The Minoans and the Greeks were also pioneers of modern art as well with the creation of statues, paintings of their churches, utensils, and houses. Back then they didn't have the plethora of machinery and technology at their disposal but they used what they had to create what they saw as art. There was also the renaissance era which was a huge evolutionary era in human history. With it came an enhancement in color schemes, patterns, and machinery to create them.  With such artists as Pablo Picasso, Leonardo da Vinci, and Michaelangelo as activists of that time, they set the basis for what we know today as art. Seeing as their names still come up in discussions till this day, they serve as legends in artwork and art history. Almost every new piece of artwork can be accredited to the foundation they laid. The complex color schemes in paintings in drawings, houses, buildings, all drew indirectly and in some cases directly from their work. We can also greatly attribute the evolution of art to our enhanced technology; with humans discovering more and more scientific breakthroughs there is no telling how much our art can continue to evolve.

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